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Showing posts from March, 2016


    The unexpected happened the other day, my cell phone just shut down and wouldn't come back on. Initially, for about 10 seconds, I panicked, thinking, "Oh No! I can't make or receive phone calls! I can't text! This is terrible!" Then, in the spirit of understanding that the universe only allows what's meant to happen, to happen........I stopped thinking it was a big deal. It's modern technology, it doesn't heal itself like the human body, it may break down every now and again. Maybe I was supposed to take a break from feeling "connected"? So, instead of skimming the Internet and emails while on the train, on my way home, after balancing my check book, I kept the pen in my hand and pulled out some blank paper. I assumed I needed to discuss with that piece of paper my current issues.     Why is it that women are expected to do the bulk of the housework and child rearing? Even now in 2016 where women are considered independent, self sufficie...