The unexpected happened the other day, my cell phone just shut down and wouldn't come back on. Initially, for about 10 seconds, I panicked, thinking, "Oh No! I can't make or receive phone calls! I can't text! This is terrible!" Then, in the spirit of understanding that the universe only allows what's meant to happen, to happen........I stopped thinking it was a big deal. It's modern technology, it doesn't heal itself like the human body, it may break down every now and again. Maybe I was supposed to take a break from feeling "connected"? So, instead of skimming the Internet and emails while on the train, on my way home, after balancing my check book, I kept the pen in my hand and pulled out some blank paper. I assumed I needed to discuss with that piece of paper my current issues.
Why is it that women are expected to do the bulk of the housework and child rearing? Even now in 2016 where women are considered independent, self sufficient, equal to men in the workforce, and on some Lady Boss shit........Why do we have to work so hard at home? Some of us only have ourselves to rely on but even those of us with a better half at home are still the sole controllers of dishes, laundry, cleaning and making the meals? I'll be honest, I'm frustrated by that! Don't get me wrong, if I didn't have to work and the man made all the money, not a problem. BUT are you telling me that even with working 40 hours a week, I'm STILL responsible for up keeping the house duties???
Two Words: That Blows!
Day #2 Without A Phone:
Okay, so I REALLY felt naked without my phone! I had no alarm clock that morning, no calendar to refer to, no way to check the weather, no Spotify while I was getting ready, couldn't get my meditation email and my PCP asked me to keep a log of my blood pressure, which I had done, but couldn't show them to her at my appointment that morning...... Yeah, the list was in my phone! Being forced to now write on my train ride into work, I'm starting to realize that, I or we, as a people, are too reliant on our phones. I need to unplug! I seem to be glued to my cell but I'm not gluing a pen to a piece of paper enough! I know I'm being hard on myself because I DO have a toddler in my house, I've got my future husband to care for and all those chores I mentioned earlier..........Where am I supposed to find time to write? I'm learning that on the train works, after taking the baby to preschool would be good and maybe at night after I've put the baby to bed, if I don't fall asleep with him. How bad do I REALLY want it? I claim that I want it bad. When does life start taking precedence over your dreams? I would die without my dreams! How does God give you what you want if your acting as if you don't want anything specific?
Discipline!........All these dreams need is a little discipline. Just like going to the gym.....I won't get the body I want unless I discipline myself to go. It's that simple! As long as you start..........eventually you will reach your finish line. Life can't take over your dreams BUT your dreams can certainly, one day, take over your life!
..................To Be Continued...................
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