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Showing posts from November, 2014

9 Months of Clarity

This is from the collection of entries I wrote while I was pregnant...Hence the title. This one is a really hard one to share because I feel like I'm standing naked emotionally in these pages. Eeeeeek! (Written 9/02/11)     So, when I found out that I was pregnant.....after taking THREE pregnancy tests......Because I couldn't believe it.......I just KNEW there were going to be some natural disasters in the world. Why did I think there would be natural disasters? Well, the thought of me being someones mother for one! Second, I'm the popular girl with a free spirit who was NEVER tied down with a baby! I've done my share of babysitting but never on a Friday night, if you know what I'm saying! Wouldn't you know that I found out on 8/22/11 and then we had an earthquake on 8/23/11, in Philadelphia no less. We never have earthquakes! But that's not it........Then came Hurricane Irene on 8/28/11. I'd say that was proof enough that this news would shock the ...

In the Beginning of what I like to call....."My Personal Journey"

Preface: I have recently in the last two months, been through some pretty emotional things. And all these things have culminated into leading me back down this road I am destined to travel......Writing. And so I will bring my blog BACK to life! Posting excerpts of all of the stuff I have already written! It is my one proclivity of putting words together for means of my own personal therapy that seems to also give therapy to others. The most beautiful part of it ALL......I LOVE TO WRITE! I'LL DO IT FOREVER AND BEEN DOING IT FOREVER! Enjoy the ride! I thought it best to start here given how I've been feeling and these excerpts are gonna get REAL DEEP, REAL FAST!    (Written 5/20/02...I titled the page 'Book Commentary')     My heart today is different than it was and I am ashamed for the way I thought and the things that I have done. However, I would not change anything that I've done or been through because all of it made me who I am to...