( This was transcribed from a tape, that belonged to a Dictaphone , that I kept in my glove compartment for when I was stuck in traffic and I had things on my mind. It was like writing with my voice! This particular transcribe was very honest as I read it back to myself just now and probably very real in the mind of other people. This entry was taped on 11/29/01.) I was thinking the other day when I started talking into this recorder I said, “You know what?” if somebody was ever to find this. If I was to die today or tomorrow and somebody was to find this and listen to this they may be disturbed slightly because they wouldn ’t understand my thoughts or maybe because they never knew that I thought the way I do and I say all of that because I’m in a transition now where I’m waiting to hear from this other company about an employment opportunity but I have so much love for the people that I work with not work for…..cause the company is not organized, I would be sad to leave them but I’ll ...